Fact Sheet, Infographics, Quiz, and Pocket Cards Now Available in Croatian

A huge shout-out to our friends and colleagues in Croatia – we are excited to announce that our World Sepsis Day Infographics, the Sepsis Fact Sheet, the Pocket Cards for medical professionals, and the WSD Quiz are now available in Croatian. A huge thanks goes to Jelena Slijepčević and her team at the Croatian Society of Nurses in Anesthesiology, Reanimatology, Intensive Care and Transfusion for their help in the translation.

As always, the new materials are free and quick to download in our World Sepsis Day Toolkit Section – please download them and use them wherever you feel like it, on your social media channels, printed at events, and everywhere in between.

We put a lot of thought and time into these new materials – please contact us to give feedback so we can continue to improve them. Lastly, please consider donating to support the ongoing development of our free sepsis awareness resources – it could help save a loved one. Thank you so much.

Marvin Zick