Q&A on COVID-19 and Sepsis – Submit Your Questions Now


The Global Sepsis Alliance is the largest professional network on sepsis worldwide, with over 100 member organizations from all parts of the world. After two articles explaining how COVID-19 can cause sepsis, we want to put our network and resources to further good use.

That is why over the last two weeks, we have assembled an international task force consisting of medical professionals, communications experts, and sepsis survivors from all over the world, standing by to answer your most burning questions on COVID-19, especially focused on the relationship between COVID-19 and sepsis.

Please send us your questions via social media (Twitter / Instagram / Facebook), either as a private message or publicly, or submit them via the form below. If you send them publicly via social media, please include the hashtag #askWorldSepsisDay so we can find them.

The most asked questions will be published and answered in the Q&A section of our new COVID-19 information page. Please note that your questions will not necessarily be answered via email - in fact, you don’t need to provide your email address if you don’t want to.

We are looking forward to hearing from you and answering your questions!

Marvin Zick