Sepsis and Afterwards

Idelette Nutma presented her book Sepsis and afterwards to the Global Sepsis Alliance Executive Board at the World Sepsis Day Supporter Meeting on March 22nd, 2017.

Idelette Nutma presented her book Sepsis and afterwards to the Global Sepsis Alliance Executive Board at the World Sepsis Day Supporter Meeting on March 22nd, 2017.


Sepsis is a life threatening illness, resulting in ICU admission for many people. Even without ICU admission, recovery can be a long-term process for those affected. This book wants to spare them the lonely quest for explanations and guidance. Sepsis and afterwards combines important information and stories from personal experience with the latest developments and insights. Physical and mental aspects are highlighted, together with practical tips that can really make a difference. Sepsis and afterwards provides former patients and their relatives with a clear lead, and offers eye-openers to professionals. It is a helpful guide during hospital admission and after discharge. 

Having suffered from a septic shock herself, Idelette Nutma, former nurse, has devoted her energies to improving aftercare and raising awareness of sepsis. In 2012, she published the book ‘Septische shock’ (Septic shock) and launched the website ‘Sepsis en daarna’. Apart from giving information and guidance, as seen from the patient’s perspective, Idelette gives lectures and hosts workshops. Furthermore, she is co-founder of the Dutch website and key member of the Family and Patient Centered Intensive Care Foundation. You can find more information on her website.

Marvin Zick